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Alten8 To Publish – State Of War : Warmonger

For immediate release. Wednesday the 29th March 2006

Alten8 is please to announce it has signed a deal with Cypron-Studios to publish its PC game 'State Of War : Warmonger' , within the UK on an exclusive basis.

As one of the first offerings under its new independent publishing activities , Alten8 is please to be bringing this addictive PC game to the UK at long last. Further games in this new range to be announced over the coming weeks.

'State of War: Warmonger' is a sequel to the original real time strategy game 'State of War'. It was designed as a separate stand alone version. Warmonger includes 16 bright new missions in which 11 are single player , and 5 multiplayer.

Game Play Details -

United forces under your command have successfully defeated the rebels. All military bases are now controlled by OVERMIND and again can serve to protect peace and prosperity on Earth... BUT NOT FOR LONG, because a new threat is coming... Beginning as small groups of devoted individuals , terrorist groups begin to emerge. Their members do not want peace on Earth. Most influential among them is the Crystal Brotherhood. Mr.Rahman once a member of OVERMIND has betrayed you. He has joined the Crystal Brotherhood and sold them your most vital information - activation codes , along with his own soul ! Now all your base's are ready to face the terrorists , and your duty calls you again to command the united forces of UFSC once again , and the Crystal Brotherhood is to blame for the need to declare once again a 'State of War' !!!

Features -

- Massive destruction, with debris flying everywhere !

- Awesome graphics engine with a numerous gfx effects

- Aircraft delivering tons of explosives to battlefield

- Advancer unit changing the course of the game play radically.

- Realistic natural effects of smoke, clouds or flares.

- Greatest explosions ever from Cypron

- Animated cut scenes before each level

Interested parties in State Of War : Warmonger , should contact Alten8 directly , or through selected distributors working with Alten8. Scheduled UK release date - 1st May 2006.


About Alten8 Limited

Set up at the start of 2005, Alten8 Limited hopes to become a new force in development , publishing , and distribution of games and other content , across a range of formats. Both licensing older titles under its retro-soft brand , and all new titles and content under the Alten8 label . Alten8 hopes to become the first port of call for new talent looking for a more flexible way of working. With releases on many formats throughout 2006 and beyond planned.


Paul Andrews -

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