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Activision settles with EA over Infinity Ward "poaching"

West/Zampella case continues as publishers reach out of court agreement

Activision and EA have reached an out of court settlement which signals the end of the legal action between the two publishers over EA's alleged poaching of ex-Infinity Ward heads Vince Zampella and Jason West.

"Activision and Electronic Arts have decided to put this matter behind them," Activision lawyer Beth Wilkinson said today after a hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court. Activision had sought $400 million in damages from Electronic Arts because of delays and disruptions at Infinity Ward caused by the departure of West, Zampella and 40 other employees. The companies will ask the court to dismiss the claims, according to Wilkinson. Neither Wilkinson nor Electronic Arts Attorny Richard Kendall would comment any further.

The terms of the settlement have not been publicly revealed and the agreement does not affect the parallel case between Activision and West and Zampella itself, which will go to court on May 29.

Although the cases are linked, they are two separate entities. The Activision vs. West/Zampella case was brought by the pair against their former employer in an attempt to recoup bonuses which were allegedly promised to them but never paid and to contest contract termination.

EA's involvement was limited to a counter claim from Activision which accused its rival of prying the duo away from Infinity Ward in an illegal fashion to found Respawn Entertainment - later signed by EA.

Previously, EA has publicly stated that it will support West and Zampella in ongoing action against Activision - it's not known if this settlement will affect that stance.

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