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AbleGamers starts monthly open house

Charity opens doors to disabled gamers

Gamers with disabilities can now visit an open house at the AbleGamers headquarters. On offer at the centre are consultations with accessibility experts to find out more about the assistive technology that can help make games available to them and the special grants available to fund it.

AbleGamers thanked Mark "Markiplier" Fischbach, Wade "Lordminion777" Barnes, and Bob "Muyskerm" Muyskens and for their support after the three held a special streaming event to raise awareness and support for the charity.

"We're extremely grateful to be chosen by Mark, Wade, and Bob," said AbleGamers founder Mark Barlet.

"Their fans are spectacular, and thanks to the incredible amount of funding raised, we'll be able to keep the laboratory open, granting assistive technology to gamers with disabilities, for months to come."

Appointments will also be available at the Washington headquarters, and those requiring more information can find it at the official site.

AbleGamers was founded in 2004 as a "nonprofit public charity that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games." This includes helping people find technology to support their gaming and working with developers to make games available to the widest audience. So far in 2014 it has raised $163,532.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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