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68 per cent of US households play games

New ESA study finds American gamers to be in the majority

New research from the Entertainment Software Association suggests that the number of households playing videogames has increased by 3 per cent over 2008, to a total of 68 per cent.

The findings were presented in the annual Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry report at E3, which also found that home console ownership stood at 42 per cent.

The report found that adult gamers have been playing for an average of 12 years. This was a decrease on the previous year, suggesting an increase in new players. The average age of a gamer is now 35 years old, with 43 per cent of online players being female.

"This is the new golden age of entertainment software. Our products are now being enjoyed by over two-thirds of Americans," said Michael D Gallagher, CEO of the ESA. "As the findings of the 2009 Essential Facts illustrate, more and more Americans across all demographics are now embracing the interactive entertainment experience that computer and videogames provide."

77 per cent of questioned parents believed that currently available parental controls were useful, while 45 per cent of all games sold were rated E for Everyone. 63 per cent of parents thought games were a positive part of their children's lives and claimed to be present 92 per cent of the time when buying a game and 91 per cent of the time when they are being played.

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