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300 per cent player increase for free-to-play Everquest II

SOE president John Smedley takes to Twitter to share new player stats

The president of Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley has revealed user statistics for Everquest II since its transformation to a free-to-play model.

Via Twitter, he reported that there had been a 40 per cent rise in daily logins since the change, and a 300 per cent increase in new players.

In game items sales had risen by 200 per cent.

In November last year he took to the social networking site to reveal that DC Universe: Online was growing player numbers at around 6 per cent a day, with a 700 per cent increase in daily revenue.

Apologising to another tweeter for lag issues at the time, Smedley was open as to the cause.

"Very bluntly this has been a wee bit more successful than we planned on. Sorry."

In September last year Smedley wrote an exclusive piece for on the future of the MMO industry and why SOE was going free-to-play.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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