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£15000 worth of prizes available for TIGA Hack Day in April

Vita dev kit, Made with Marmalade pro licence and £3k cash among prizes

TIGA has added more prizes to the fund of rewards available to the winners of its forthcoming Hack Day event later this month, bringing the total value of the potential haul to over £15,000.

Top prizes for the event, which takes place over the weekend of April 28-29 at Pinewood Studios in London, include a PlayStation Vita development kit, a Made with Marmalade professional licence, sound studio time at Pinewood itself and a £3000 cash prize from HTML5 specialists Turbulenz.

Also on board for the event are SCEE's Developer Relations team, supplying the Vita kit, and Mozilla, which will be co-sponsoring the HTML5 category with Turbulenz. Other prizes include a year's membership to TIGA and a copy of Adobe Creative Suite Premium.

"At Mozilla we care deeply about pushing the Web forward, with both our Firefox browser and other initiatives that are right on the bleeding edge of what is possible online.Developers are now looking to technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript for rich, immersive games and we're making sure that Firefox is ready to support them," said Mozilla's Rob Hawkes.

"Aside from the browser, we're passionate about engaging with the game developer community to better understand what they want from the Web. It is because of this that we're proud to be involved in the TIGA-BlueVia GameHack and to see the great games that will undoubtedly result from it. The future of HTML5 games is a promising one and we're glad to be a part of it!"

Entrants will have 24 hours to create games in the eight categories listed below. Potential entrants can register at the website now.

  • 1.Best cross platform application
  • 2.Best use of mobile
  • 3.HTML5 games category
  • 4.Mobile social game hack
  • 5.Procedural generation challenge
  • 6.Games trailer challenge
  • 7.Best flash game for iOS
  • 8.Best Game Award

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