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Three new hires for Preloaded

Applied gaming studio takes on Lift, 22Cans and Sony London vets

Preloaded, a London studio specialising in applied games for children's learning, has hired three new staff in a round of expansion. The firm is also establishing a US office.

Charu Desodt, a winner of a Breakthrough Brit BAFTA award last year, joins from Microsoft's LIFT London studio, Jemma Harris comes on board with experience from both Lionhead and 22Cans, whilst Yukiko Goto is fresh from Sony London, with GT5, Ratchet and Clank and Singstar on the CV. All three will be helping Preloaded to widen their remit as they approach the use of AR and VR in the field of serious gaming, education, training and health.

"Preloaded has always hired the best. The current team is a unique blend of experience and this latest set of hires underlines our commitment to make brilliant games which go beyond entertainment," said Preloaded's Toby Allen.

"We are operating at the edge of the industry, pushing the perception of games and what they can do. These latest hires show that traditional games-people are looking to serious games as the means to push the medium we all love."

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