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Play It wins injunction against I-Play

UK publisher Play It has been granted an interim injunction against I-Play, preventing the firm - which previously operated under the name of Digital Bridges - from using its new company logo.

In a reserved judgement, Vice Chancellor Sir Andrew Morritt describes "the similarity between the two companies' logos as substantial, and found that such similarity was clearly capable of causing confusion in the market to the detriment of Play It's reputation," according to a statement issued by Play It.

The publisher applied for the injunction last month, claiming that the I-Play logo and slogan - "You name it, I play it" - represent an infringement of copyright. I-Play strongly disputed the complaint.

Commenting on the granting of the injunction, Play It CEO Mark Cale slammed I-Play for refusing to concede wrongdoing, stating: "An injunction should never have been necessary in the first place.

"From the outset, Digital Bridges' position in this dispute has been totally unreasonable. Whatever the legal rights and wrongs, no sensible man of business persists in the launch a new brand into a market place where there is already an established brand that is, in the words of the judge, clearly similar.

"My only hope is that some common sense, if not business wisdom, will now prevail," he concluded.

The case is scheduled to proceed to a full trial in July. I-Play was unavailable for comment at the time of writing.

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.
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