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PapayaMobile users up 940 per cent since Jan 2010

Social network for Android now has over 25 million users

Android gaming network PapayaMobile now has more than 25 million users, an increase of over 940 per cent since January 2010.

224 per cent of that growth has been within European territories, and 222 per cent in the US. The largest growth area was China, with 500 per cent.

The Chinese company also revealed that there have been more than 11 million transactions using the network's virtual currency and that on average its games are generating $22.60 per user per month. Around one in five users buy virtual currency.

Some of PapayaMobile's most popular games earn $20,000 per month, and one single user spent $4,440.

The company was founded in 2008 and the PapayaMobile service features games like Ninja Girl, Papaya Pet and Fairy Mahjong 3D.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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