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Panasonic begins user-testing Jungle handheld

Invite-only consumer tests open in US for online-focused device

Panasonic has begun recruiting testers for its forthcoming handheld, codenamed Jungle, in the US.

Bloomberg reports that the company sent emails to potential testers yesterday. No further details of the device's capabilities were confirmed in the email, although Panasonic did clarify the Jungle's focus on online titles.

"We know other companies out there have traditional handheld gaming covered," the email read. "We're doing something very different."

Panasonic announced the Jungle earlier this year, alongside a few speculative technical details.

The device has a handful of games confirmed for it so far, including Bigpoint's unreleased Battlestar Galactica browser title. spoke to Bigpoint CEO Heiko Hubertz about his company's involvement with the launch in an interview last month – read the whole thing here.

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