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Judicial review ordered for Digital Economy Act

Piracy bill to be reappraised following Talk Talk and BT complaints

Controversial anti-piracy bill the Digital Economy Act is to be reviewed, following claims by ISPs such as BT and Talk Talk that it violated European stipulations on electronic privacy, and required internet providers to act as copyright enforcers.

A judicial review of the bill, which privacy groups claimed was unfairly rushed through at the end of the Labour government, has now been ordered.

The Guardian reports that the review was granted based on three of the ISP's four grounds of appeal, with the focus being on possible contravention of EU laws.

Music industry association the BPI has contested motions to rethink the bill. Said a spokesperson to The Guardian, "Parliament enacted the Digital Economy Act to encourage innovation on the internet and to protect jobs in the creative industries, which are a key area of growth for the economy.

"It's disappointing that a couple of ISPs are trying to frustrate this and resist any action being taken to reduce illegal filesharing on their networks."

The coalition government has hitherto refused to overturn the bill, despite promises to the contrary by deputy prime minister Nick Clegg in his election campaign.

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Alec Meer: A 10-year veteran of scribbling about video games, Alec primarily writes for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, but given any opportunity he will escape his keyboard and mouse ghetto to write about any and all formats.
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