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GameHorizon Conference 2009 launched

David Jones and Mark Rein among the keynotes for June event

Codeworks GameHorizon has announced that the GameHorizon Conference will return in 2009, to take place at the Sage Gateshead venue in Newcastle/Gateshead across June 23-24.

The event, designed for industry business leaders, will feature some high-profile keynotes, including the influential creative director and CEO of Realtime Worlds, the company responsible for Crackdown and now working on the MMO title APB.

Mark Rein, VP and co-founder of Epic Games will also speak at the event, as will Game Domain International's Roger Walkden.

"The first GameHorizon Conference attracted over two hundred games execs from around Europe, so it was really an easy decision to run the event once again," said Carri Cunliffe, head of sector development at Codeworks GameHorizon.

"While there are several conferences and expos that look in-depth at the details of games art and programming, we felt there was a gap in the market for an event which focused on higher level business issues, new technologies and future opportunities.

"This is a conference designed to help games firms to discover and think about strategies to improve their business."

And David Jones added: "The GameHorizon Conference is an increasingly important event on the calendar; although this will be my first year attending, the reports back from the RTW staff who've gone in the past is that it's a very interesting and informative event with a high calibre of attendees. All of which I'm very much looking forward to seeing for myself."

More information, including a Super Early Bird discount starting at GBP 199, is available from the official conference website, and Network members can add it to their 2009 event attendance plan now.

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