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Fries and 2D Boy to keynote MIGS

Xbox project co-founder Ed Fries and Ron Carmel, head of 2D Boy, to be main speakers

Two keynote speakers have been confirmed for the Montreal International Games Summit - original project Xbox co-founder Ed Fries and 2D Boy's Ron Carmel.

Fries will speak on the eclectic subjects of beauty, constraints and the Atari 2600, whilst Ron Carmel will be giving a keynote on the business of independent game development.

The Summit's five tracks are business, art, design, production and technology. Fuzbi director David Edery will be tackling the business track, exploring the life cycle of online distribution platforms. Alex Alvarez, chief executive of the Gnomon School of Design, will speak on the subject of art, discussing the importance of education to the continuing evolution of the sector.

Representing design will be Scott Jon Siegel, game designer at Playdom. He'll be discussing what constitutes success in casual game development. Autodesk's Tom Wujec will be giving the track keynote on production, giving insight into how to go about tackling the visual challenges which are prevalent in the field today. Finally, Ryan Challinor, software developer at Harmonix, will undertake the technology keynote, centring on Harmonix' approach to unconventional controller design.

The summit takes place November 8 to 9 in Montreal. More details are available on the organisation's website.

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