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Flash Builder to support iOS and Blackberry

Development suite update enables "one tool, one framework, one codebase"

Adobe has released an update to its Flash Builder development suite which will see the technology support both Apple iOS devices and BlackBerry PlayBooks, allowing for the creation of cross-platform Flash apps for the first time.

Although Flash is still not supported on Apple devices, following a very public war of words between Steve Jobs and Adobe, the new support will allow developers to create a single version of an app able to run on any format - saving considerable time and effort.

An update to the Adobe Flash Builder MXML editor (aka Adobe Flex Builder) allows cross-platform apps to be created for mobile, Web and desktop formats using ActionScript and the Flex framework.

Promoted as "one tool, one framework, one codebase" on Adobe's blog, the new tool allows developers to build and distribute apps through the Android Market, BlackBerry App World and Apple App Store via a single chain of tools, programming language and code base.

Further information can be found at the official Flash Builder website.

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