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Fable III to ship for PC this Christmas

Lionhead follow-up will only be available for download with Games for Windows Live

Microsoft has announced that its developer studio, Lionhead, will produce the third Fable title this year for PC as well as Xbox 360.

The game will only be available for digital download via Games on Demand - the Games for Windows Live service - and be priced at £39.99.

Meanwhile the publisher has also detailed the price points for the Standard and Limited Collector's Edition of the game on Xbox 360, coming in at £49.99 and £59.99 respectively.

The Limited Collector's Edition will include an additional quest to complete, a new in-game location and outfit, as well as a new dog breed, some playing cards and a coin.

While the game has not been given a specific release date, it is expected to be launched in time for Christmas this year.

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