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EA raises $18K for AIDs foundations

Bay area employees take part in AIDs Walk SF

EA employees raised over $18,000 taking part in the 2013 AIDS Walk San Francisco last month.

89 people from the company's San Francisco offices took part in the event and they've so far raised $18,085 of their $25,000 fundraising goal. On participant, executive assistant Wendy Rossie, managed to contribute $7,100 to the total from her supporters.

"Donations are still coming in," said EA. "Thank you to all who gave their time to raise awareness for this amazing foundation."

The donations will go to over 50 different AIDs charities, including the San Francisco AIDS Foundation which aims to reduce new HIV infections in San Francisco by 50 per cent, ensure all San Franciscans know their current HIV status and to ensure access to proper care for all HIV-positive San Franciscans.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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