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BBFC defends itself from latest ELSPA attack

Board rejects claims of not being fit to rate videogames

The BBFC has rejected ELSPA's claims that the ratings organisation is not fit to judge videogames.

ELSPA's Paul Jackson addressed a Labour Party Conference fringe event yesterday to rubbish the BBFC as a credible ratings board. He claimed that its linear method of reviewing titles couldn't work for games, pointing out that PEGI ratings were often higher.

"The BBFC rejects ELSPA's claims," said the BBFC in a statement.

However, instead of throwing accusations back at the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association, the BBFC has simply pointed out that the Byron Review and the CMS Select Committee has so far backed the BBFC in the ongoing ratings debate.

"They should be judged against the fact that both the Byron Review and the House of Commons CMS Committee have recommended a greater role for the BBFC in games classification," replied the BBFC.

"The BBFC's case will be developed in its response to the current government consultation."

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