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BBFC insists it can cope with games ratings

Classification group says it was "bemused" by claims made by industry figures acting as witnesses during a select committee meeting

The BBFC has rejected accusations that it will not be able to cope with rating videogames due to the volume of new titles coming out across the different platforms.

Responding to answers given by witnesses at a recent select committee on the harmful content on the internet and in videogames, the BBFC has said its "bemused" by the claims coming from the games industry.

The witnesses, comprised of key industry figures, argued that self-regulation was the only viable option for rating games and that the BBFC would be unable to cope with demand.

"I am completely bemused by the fact that these people claim to know how the BBFC works," said Sue Clark, a representative for the body, speaking to

"They don't work here; they have no idea whether or not we can cope. The answer is: we can cope, and I don't know why the keep saying we can't.

"The BBFC is entirely funded by the fees that we charge by classifying work, therefore if we get more work in we get more money, so if we need more staff we take on more staff," Clark explained.

"I really don't understand why they games industry keeps saying this, because they're not saying it from a basis of knowing anything about how we work."

Representing the videogames industry at the committee were Dr Richard Wilson, CEO of Tiga, Paul Jackson, director general of ELSPA, Keith Ramsdale, vice president of EA games and Jason Kingsly CEO of the Rebellion group.

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