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Archive (Page 4462)


Matrix boosts Q1 operating profits for Atari

Publisher Atari has announced its results for the first quarter of financial 2003/04, revealing a boost in sales and operating profit provided by the successful launch of movie tie-in Enter The Matrix.

Sony announces full PlayStation Portable specification

The complete spec for the forthcoming PSP has been announced, revealing a versatile multimedia system much closer to the PS2 in power than expected, and even outperforming its home console sibling in certain areas.

Eidos moves Tomb Raider away from Core

In a trading statement issued today, Eidos has announced that following a review of both the Tomb Raider franchise and Core Design, development on the series is to be moved to the Crystal Dynamics studio in the USA.

Warthog turnover climbs as studio growth continues apace

UK developer Warthog has announced its financial results for the year ended March 2003, showing a major climb in turnover and profits (pre exceptional costs) as the studio grows into one of Europe's largest.

PSP to feature wireless network capability

Speaking to developers in Tokyo today, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has confirmed that the PlayStation Portable will come equipped with wireless networking functionality.

CESA reports on the state of Japan

The Japanese games industry trade body, the Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association (CESA), has released its annual white paper outlining the performance of the market in Japan, revealing a significant decline in the region.

Key Xbox and Cube Christmas titles slip to 2004

The vital Christmas line-ups for both the Xbox and the GameCube are beginning to look increasingly sparse, with key titles such as Big Blue Box' Fable and Square Enix' Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle slipping to 2004.

End of the line for HotGen?

Another British development studio appears to have shut down, with Croydon based HotGen reportedly laying off its entire development staff with the exception of one team and entering liquidation procedures.