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Archive (Page 4465)


Heath-Smith steps down from Eidos and Core

Eidos development director and Core Design managing director Jeremy Heath-Smith has announced that he is to resign from the boards of both companies with immediate effect.

Halo tops three million sales worldwide

Bungie's critically acclaimed first person shooter has hit another sales milestone this week, with the announcement that it has broken the three million barrier.

Nintendo's Iwata to deliver Tokyo Games Show keynote

Details of this years Tokyo Games Show have emerged from organisers CESA, with Nintendo the only major Japanese publisher not exhibiting once again - but Nintendo chairman Satoru Iwata will deliver the keynote address at the show.

Highbury House set to buy out Paragon

A major shake-up in the videogame magazine publishing market is on the way, with Highbury House set to purchase Paragon Publishing in a move which will create one of the UK's largest consumer magazine publishers.

New details of Infinium's Phantom emerge

More information about the rather publicity-shy Phantom console has been unveiled, revealing that the system is indeed a Windows PC designed to download PC games securely over a broadband connection.

PS3 production schedule details emerge from Elpida

A late 2005 launch date for the PlayStation 3 looks increasingly likely today, with confirmation from Elpida that it will be beginning production of memory chips for the console early that year.