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Making games

The five pillars of emergent gameplay

The five pillars of emergent gameplay

TinyBuild CEO Alex Nichiporchik shares advice on how to keep players invested in your game without making a 100-hour epic
What is the best game engine: is Unity right for you?

What is the best game engine: is Unity right for you?

Our in-depth guide to Unity Technologies' widely used Unity engine, the leader for indie and mobile game development (now updated to include latest pricing structure and more)
How to create engaging open worlds

How to create engaging open worlds

Vasiliy Skobelev, lead level designer at My.Games' studio Pixonic, shares his tips on how to make interesting open worlds and understand the different types of game levels
How to design autistic-friendly games

How to design autistic-friendly games

We talk to Changingday's founders Nick and Alison Lang about the making of Blinnk and the Vacuum of Space, a VR title made with autistic players in mind
Sam Barlow's guide to making narrative games

Sam Barlow's guide to making narrative games

The Her Story and Telling Lies developer explains what makes games a strong narrative medium, and shares his thought process for creating stories
Tips for more immersive sound design

Tips for more immersive sound design

Unlock Audio experts give advice to developers wishing to add depth to their game audio