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ESC/MCV Industry Poker Tournament Reaches Dramatic Climax As Joker Takes All

Thursday 26 January 2006/... Nigel Taylor, part-time stand-up comedian and Bastion business development manager, was hailed the computer and video games industry's best poker player last night as the ESC/MCV Industry Poker Tournament, sponsored by Take 2 and 2K Games World Poker Tour, reached its dramatic climax.

100 industry poker players assembled at the Gutshot Poker Club in Farringdon. At 7:00pm, 10 tables, each comprising 10 players, began playing hands of No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em. The nine players with the most chips met on the top table at 10:30pm, in a thrilling game of winner takes all eventually won by Taylor.

"The inaugural Charity Poker Tournament was a tremendous success," said MCV Managing Director, Stuart Dinsey, "and we were delighted to have brought the industry's best poker players together for this brilliant cause. Besides the overall title, won by Nigel, guests had plenty of opportunity to win other prizes during the tournament and were well catered for throughout the evening."

ESC CEO, Mark Strachan, said: "It was a thrilling night - and a triumphant new fundraising initiative. All money from our guests' entry fee will go towards the ESC's youth charities. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Matt Broughton from and Namco's David Miller for their enthusiasm and support from the event's inception, and everyone involved at MCV for all their hard work in organising this event. Finally, I would like to Take 2 and 2K Games for their generous sponsorship - without them, we'd not have been able to raise such a significant amount."

Sarah Seaby, marketing director, Take 2 said: "This fundraising initiative is yet another example of the computer and video game industry's commitment to back worthwhile charities and it's been a pleasure to be a part of what looks like being an ongoing event."

Nigel Taylor offered: "I played them like a Stradivarius. It was a brilliant night, and I look forward to defending my crown at the next event."


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Notes to Editors:

About the ESC:

Founded in 2000, the entertainment software charity was created to use the popularity of gaming to help give back to those less fortunate. The not-for-profit charity was established by prominent members of the gaming community to create a dedicated initiative programme to advance young people through play, training and education.

The entertainment software charity works with hardware vendors, developers, software publishers, magazine publishers, retailers, distributors and logistics providers, all of whom give their time, input, resources and intellectual properties to help support charities committed to improving the future of young people.

About MCV

MCV: The Market for Home Computing & Video Games is the only trade publication for the interactive entertainment industry. Published weekly, it reaches over 10,000 industry professionals every week - with over half of its circulation being retail buyers and store managers.

About World Poker Tour

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About Poker Evenings

In partnership with a number of UK venues, Poker Evenings specialises in fun, well-organised events, with a poker tournament being the main attraction. Poker Evenings caters for parties of all sizes, from 20 players to 100 players. With tables, dealers, directors, chips and cards all taken care of, the guests just have worry about losing their inhibitions, not their shirts. Visit for more information, or contact

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