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Nordic development funding

A record 75 projects apply for a share of 3 million Danish krone.

During the first half of the year DKK 3 million in funding will be allocated to new Nordic games projects. The deadline for the first round of applications in 2008 has passed, and all previous records have been smashed.

No fewer than 75 Nordic games projects, a new record, submitted funding applications to the Nordic Games Program by the April 1 deadline. The applications, amounting to almost DKK 38 million, came from all over the Nordic Region, including the Faroe Islands.

“Once again we are pleased, proud and a bit overwhelmed to have received so many applications,” says Erik Robertson, head of the Nordic Games Program.

“Of course, DKK 3 million doesn’t stretch that far, especially when the total applied for is almost 38 million. So the expert panel faces a major and difficult task when it comes to evaluating the projects. Still, it is fantastically encouraging to see that there is such great interest in developing computer games all over the Nordic Region – and also that the smaller nations and autonomous territories are now getting involved too.”

Of the 75 applications, 24 were from Sweden, 19 from Finland, 18 from Denmark and 10 from Norway, while four came from Iceland and the Faroe Islands. A panel of experts will now evaluate them and allocate the DKK 3 million. In 2007, 15 projects received grants after the two rounds.

The recipients of the 2008 funding will be announced at the Nordic Game 2008 conference, to be held in Malmö on 14–15 May (

The six-year Nordic Game Program, which was launched in 2006, focuses on improving access to Nordic games for children and young people. The funding scheme is an important part of those efforts. Read more on

Media contact:

Jacob Riis

Tel: +45 2360 9422


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