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gamescom 2009

Show's best games to be awarded... awards.

At the premiere of this year's gamescom - the trade fair and event highlight for the international interactive entertainment industry - Koelnmesse will be calling the gamescom Award 2009 into being. The award distinguishes the best games introduced at gamescom and presented to the general public for the first time.

Categorised according to platforms, the games submitted by the exhibiting companies will be assessed, distinguished and awarded a prize by a panel of experts. The gamescom Award will thus distinguish outstanding products in the computer and video games segment. All companies exhibiting at gamescom are eligible to participate and can submit their games for the gamescom Award until 7 August. A panel of six experts from the publishing and media industries will evaluate the entries and award the prizes. Exhibitors can choose from a total of four categories: PC games, console games (PS2, PS3, Xbox, Wii), mobile games (Gameboy, PSP, PSP Go, NDS, NDSi, iPhone, mobile phones) and online games. In addition, a platform-independent "best of gamescom" award will be announced. All entries must be full products.

The 2009 jury comprises Michael Trier, Editor in Chief, IDG Entertainment Media; Petra Fröhlich, Project Manager, Computec Media; Christian Bigge, Deputy Editor in Chief, Computer Bild Spiele; Jürgen Hilse, Permanent Representative of the Oberste Landesjugendbehörden [Supreme Youth Authorities of the Federal States], Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) [German Self-Monitoring of Entertainment Software]; Oliver Hartmann, Project Manager, (Brot und Spiele); and Bernhard Schneider, Central Buyer, Multi Media Müller.

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