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Don't Nod delays second half of new narrative adventure IP Lost Records

Studio says this is to "allow for additional optimisation and to give the team the necessary time to refine the experience"

Don't Nod has once again delayed the launch of its all-new IP, Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, this time pushing back the release date of the second instalment.

Whilst the first part, Tape 1: Bloom, will release as planned on February 18, Tape 2: Rage has been pushed back a month to April 15.

In a statement, the studio said this decision was made to "allow for additional optimisation and to give the team the necessary time to refine the experience for players and enhance the storytelling for a truly immersive continuation of the journey."

Like Life Is Strange, Lost Records: Bloom & Rage is a narrative adventure that follows a group of teenagers caught up in a mystery involving supernatural elements.

Don't Nod also delayed the launch of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage last summer, ostensibly to avoid clashing with the next instalment of Life Is Strange – which was originally developed by Don't Nod.

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Vikki Blake: When​ ​her friends​ ​were falling in love with soap stars, Vikki was falling in love with​ ​video games. She's a survival horror survivalist​ ​with a penchant for​ ​Yorkshire Tea, men dressed up as doctors and sweary words. She struggles to juggle a fair-to-middling Destiny/Halo addiction​ ​and her kill/death ratio is terrible.
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