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2014 Independent Games Festival opens submissions

Chance for indie devs to compete for nearly $60,000 in prizes

Submissions are now open for next year's Independent Games Festival, with the ceremony taking place during GDC 2014 in San Francisco.

"During the past 16 years, we've had the pleasure of recognizing some of best talent in the independent games community and look forward to continuing that tradition with IGF 2014," said Brandon Boyer, IGF chairman.

"Each year, the games of the IGF have upped the ante in truly innovative ways, creating unique entertainment experiences that can only be told through the medium of games. We are very excited to see what this year's competitors have in store."

The deadline for the main competition is October 19, and October 31 for the student competition. Last year saw almost 900 games submitted for the competition, and winners included Little Inferno, FTL: Faster Than Light and Cart Life, which won the $30,000 Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

More details about the submissions process can be found at the official site.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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